Faithful Little Pieces of His Big Picture

Extra from Volume 14#4

by Maggie B.

Faithfulness. This word reminds me of many instances that my God has done great things. Imagine what a vast collection of books could be filled with His awesome works of faithfulness—and still we would not know the whole! I would like to share a tiny piece of that faithfulness with you.

The idea of being faithful really isn’t something that I have always thought about. I can’t really recall thinking much about it through my growing and schooling years. And then God—in His infinite love and impeccable timing—began working in my heart regarding this topic. So, this is a story of our God’s faithfulness, not my faithfulness. I’m far from worthy to write these words, but instead am the amazed recipient of His merciful teaching. Praise His name!

My post-graduation days have been filled with many things, most of which have not been exactly what you might call exciting. There are day-in-and-day-out happenings, which may seem to make the life of a stay-at-home daughter look mundane. I’m sure the same could be said of the daughter with a job away from home, or the college student, because, well, that’s how life is most of the time!

I have, however, enjoyed the opportunity to do many projects in the home setting, both on my own and with my family. These have added some valuable skills to my “toolbox,” such as raising dairy goats, sewing, and web design.

But, when I was about 22 years old, I started to be antsy about where I was going with life. So I decided to talk with my parents and ask them if they had any goals for me, or ideas about what God wanted me to prepare for. My mind was deliciously filled with fancy ideas about what God might want me to do! He may want me to remotely help with a foreign mission, or start some kind of ministry, or…oh, the possibilities! They presented me with a (very sweet) list of what they considered my strengths and weaknesses and we talked for a long while. They mentioned some of the same, old things that I’d been doing...working for my brother in his business, helping other family members in various pursuits, writing, and so forth. Well, that’s not exactly what I had in mind…

Not long after, I listened to a message by a young lady who gave examples about various daughters and the different ways that they serve others—it suddenly clicked for me. Here I was with my brother’s business needing my help—and I was desperately looking for something else, because that really wasn’t “big” enough, or it wasn’t like what she is doing. What an opportunity God has blessed me with and how unseeing and ungrateful I had been! It may change in ways over the years, but this is what I can do to serve right now. I can testify that often what the Lord has for us is literally right in front of us (we just don’t always recognize it)!

Some time after this, conviction set in as I read these verses in a new light: “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man’s, who shall give you that which is your own?” (Luke 16:10, 12)

Dishes. Cooking. Picking up clutter. Some daily jobs seem so unimportant, but God’s will is that we do every activity, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, in service to Him, in the name of Jesus Christ (Colossians 3:17, 23-24). “For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself. For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s” (Romans 14:7-8).

If we spend years of our life looking for, waiting for, or yearning for something that is not God’s plan for us, we’ll find that we have missed out (instead of taking joy in) on what God, in His infinite wisdom, has for us—His best! I can get so caught up in a hunger to be “sold out” for God that I forget that God already has me right where He wants me. Trying to concoct an exotic plan so I can be “truly helpful to God” blinds me to the fact that being faithful right here and now is the most important thing!

I don’t know what this will look like in your situation—it will most likely look different. Helping with a brother’s home business may sound like your dream job, but it may not be available to you. Don’t worry! There are so many ways to be of useful service and He’s given each of us unique situations. May I suggest visiting your grandparents regularly, helping someone in your church group, writing encouraging letters for your dad, helping to school younger siblings, witnessing outside the home, starting your own business, or making freezer meals with your mom? The main thing: diligently seek what He has for you right now, no matter how small it seems, and then be faithful in doing it for Him. My friend, this is not a season of waiting, but—as all seasons are for the people of God—of working for our Master (Ephesians 2:10)!

Faithfulness in doing “that which is least” can bring such great satisfaction. Tiny acts of service can have monumental impact for eternity and we never even know the full impact of our service on earth. God knows our hearts and we can serve Him lovingly in every task, no matter the size. Don’t ever fall for the lie that those little details done for Jesus are unimportant.

I encourage you to read Jesus’ parable in Luke 16 about stewards and servants who were entrusted with a task during their master’s absence. These provide excellent examples of faithfulness, and unfaithfulness, being lived out in real-world situations. Think of it—each of us has been entrusted with the stewardship of everything that we’ve been given. It’s a serious, yet amazingly exciting position! These words from The Disciplines of the Christian Life by Mr. Eric Liddell have helped me to understand more about the role of stewardship.

If I borrow money I can use it as I please; the only obligation is to repay at the appointed time. Here I am a debtor. A steward is not so. What he has is not borrowed for his use, but loaned to him on trust, to be used as his master desires. His obligations are twofold: (1) He must use his master’s gifts according to his master’s will. (2) He has no obligation to repay but must give an account of his stewardship when his master asks for it. This is what we mean by saying we are stewards of God’s gifts. All that we are, all that we have, and all the latent possibilities within us are God’s gifts, to be used according to His will and for His glory. Some day we must render an account of our stewardship.

Each day we have choices. Which steward are we going to be? Will we be faithful or unfaithful with what He’s given to us?

Any little bit of time that we “dream away” about some future that may never even happen, we are neither being careful stewards of the time He has given us, nor being a faithful worker in His will. Even though our dreams may be based God-honoring desires, they can serve as a stumbling stone to distract us from God’s true purpose for our lives.

Hebrews challenges us to set aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us, and look to Jesus as the Author and Finisher of our faith, Who faithfully endured and faithfully carried out the life work given to Him by God (Hebrews 12:2). Instead of a pretty little gingerbread-style house with Victorian gables, the Son of Man had “not where to lay his head” (Matthew 8:20). Instead of a house full of children, Jesus accepted those who do the will of God as His family (Mark 3:35). Even though He is Master, He told the disciples, “I am among you as he that serveth” (Luke 22:27).
My friend, if we do not learn faithfulness in the position He has us in right now, we cannot expect this to become any easier as we continue in life—even if we marry the man that dreams are made of, or we acquire a shining ministry position. These stations should only be viewed as ways in which could we serve our heavenly Father, not as our end goal. It is not our place to choose how we can best serve God; He’s the One who knows best and He doesn’t make any mistakes, short-changes, or errors. We can trust our dreams to Him, be faithful where He has us, and thereby gain true contentment in God’s will.
Let us press toward the goal and be…

“What I urge is that you should find time not only for reading but for thinking; not only time for prayer, but time enough that there may be no unseemly hurry in that interview with God which He graciously accords you daily.” (E.L. Cutts) This is certainly an area I need lots of growth in—to be faithful toward Him moment-by-moment! Each season in life is an opportunity for growth in our walk with God and growth in His word. Our youth is such a foundational time to seek Him and develop a strong relationship and habits such as quiet times, thankfulness, and memorizing His words. He desires His people to seek Him with our whole heart and soul (Deuteronomy 4:29).

Forgetfulness is a great enemy of mine in this regard! Being forgetful of what my parents say or ask is not honoring. I find that it works best if I write what they say down or do it right away. This also goes for helping brothers and sisters. A daughter who cheerfully gives of herself brings great joy to a home, especially when she’s helping to further her parent’s goals and ideas.

I confess… I have a problem with keeping my things tidy. I also have a hard time getting out of bed when I go to bed late. These are just two things that I know I need to overcome and this is the perfect time to do so! I encourage you and myself to take time to notice weak points and faithfully, diligently press on to overcome them, asking for His help to conquer!

If we are not faithful with our time, we aren’t being faithful in our life. “See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:15-16). This quote by E. L. Cutts helped me to grasp the importance of each moment and I’d like to share it with you!

The hours are like a chain of little golden vessels
Passing before you day and night.
You cannot arrest their progress.
You can put something into each as it passes.
You can put in a good thought or word or deed—
Or a bad thought or word or deed.
Or you can let it go empty.
Once past, you cannot recall it.
Twenty-four vessels every day!

There are many ways to keep cultivating your mind after high school, even without involving college courses. Some opportunities for me have been:

  • Learning from my grandparents. Grandad can explain just about any scientific or mathematic phenomenon we ask about!
  • Reading biographies and other historical books.
  • Listening to history stories while doing chores or sewing. It’s a profitable and enjoyable way to engage my mind and hands!
  • Using a fabric tutorial to learn how to conquer making welt pockets in men’s vests!
  • Learning how to design projects. Now my brother and I are working on a video project together, which means there’s a whole lot for me to learn!
  • Learning about home repair, such as painting with my mother and sister.
  • Learning more about music through watching my sister and some friends arrange songs. Now I’m giving guitar a try.

We can get caught up in so many projects that we lose sight of the big picture. I urge you to take time to be faithful in the little things, yes, but also to be faithful with the little things He has blessed you with! I urge you to savor time with family and friends, especially the little people in your life. Notice their progress and treat them to special activities or even just one-on-one time together. I love it when a tiny detail—a cup of tea, hearty laughter, a beautiful flower arrangement, a fresh rain, or just a moment of time—catches me in awe at God’s goodness.

You know, one funny thing that happened along this journey is that I did hear about an opportunity to help edit the newsletter of a mission in India! It sounded like something I could do and India has been on my heart for years, so it was with great excitement and some nervousness that I wrote to offer my help. You know what…? They sent back a kind reply, but they had already found someone. It’s amazing how God used a way that was very specific to my personality to “bring me home.” He may provide a way for me to reach out to India someday, or make a green-gabled house a home…but I know with contentment that it’s not what He has for me right now. He has faithfully provided a place just for me, working at home and with my family. I know with confidence that He has a position that’s just for you. What a precious gift. What a faithful God we serve!

Maggie is a daughter at home, which for her includes being a goat-milker, freelance writer, poet, web designer, photographer, singer, editor, gardener, dishwasher, experimental cook, crafter, and, most importantly, pursuer of God’s truth. He has abundantly blessed her by being part of a loving family, where she can collaborate on projects with her parents and siblings every day!